Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Red Dread

In October 2010, a company in Hungary called MAL, that produces aluminium had created Hungary's "Economic Disaster". MAL had created a giant reservoir full of toxic waste sealed with a giant dam. Up until October 2010, this reservoir has held but for some reason the dam broke, presumed to be from too much rain, and the toxic sludge escaped and filled the streets of Hungary. No one knows for sure, what caused the dam to break but it has been presumed that only two present of the wastewater escaped the reservoir and still flooded most of the country including the farms were most of their food is grown and exported. The Hungarian police are doing the best they can to clean the roads, the houses, rivers, and most of all the farmlands. It will also affect other areas because it is now reaching into the Danube that runs though most of eastern Europe all the way to the dead sea. Also, the farmlands will be reused after the toxic disaster is dealt with and the crops exported one again, even though the area on which the crops are contaminated, and would take years to clean completely.


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