Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chemical Interactions (reflection on video)

In this video all of the actors are representing the element on the periodic table. It also shows what happens when two or more of the elements are combined. Some of the reactions in the video are Neon (Ne) and Hydrogen (H). When you combine these two elements, there is no reaction (in the movie it is shown by the couple not having much chemistry between them. The next of the interactions is Carbon (C) and Hydrogen (H) attract. Carbon can attract up to four hydrogen atoms for it to be full. The video also shows how two already combined atoms, can be separated using electricity. The last of the chemical interactions shown in the video is Water, a combination of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen (H2O) that gets and extra atom of potassium (K). The reaction of this interaction is and explosive reaction (or in the video, a fight).

1 comment:

  1. Why is there no reaction between Neon and Hydrogen? How is it that Carbon can attract four Hydrogens? What makes Potassium explosive? I think it would be interesting to see you go further with your blog post and delve into the reasons behind the various interactions depicted in the video.
